By Bobbie O’NeillCSMS Magazine Staff WriterNow that the election is over and the Democrats have taken back Congress, I am going after the thing that has stuck in my craw for the past six years: The rescinding of Bush’s Global Gag Order. Signing it in January 2001 was his first official act.    The Order cut off U.S. funding for International Planned Parenthood groups. The language is simple but the implications have devastated Third World Nations. It not only stopped abortion funding but also cut off important information on women’s reproductive health, birth control info and the distribution and use of condoms for safe sex in stemming the spread of HIV/AIDS.    I have already enlisted the aid of my District’s state senator who has said she will try to get the support of three of the state’s Democratic Congressman. Now, I need some suggestions from Native Unity readers on how to get the ball rolling.    Keep in mind that Order has probably caused the birth of thousands, maybe millions, of children who have starved or are starving to death throughout Third World Nations plus the rampant spread of the HIV/AIDS virus.Note: Bobbie O’Neill lives and works in Yuma, Arizona. Also see: Stranger in the house