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Friday, July 26, 2024

Insensitivity could doom a relationship

By Christine Jean-Pierre

relationship4 aCSMS Magazine

Often, one’s family’s influence can add pressure when dating and building a relationships. Remember the old saying? “If he doesn’t fit in with your family, it could be a dealbreaker.” Consequently, it’s important to know someone’s background before committing yourself into a relationship.  I’ve seen many occasions where two people who were deeply in love but didn’t get married because of family influences, especially on the issue of how to raise children, celebrate holidays, carry on traditions, etc.

Once you’ve moved past dating and developing a serious relationship with someone, you must be clear about your devotion to overcome whatever obstacles that might stand in the way. If you love each other enough, you may be able to compromise in a way that will satisfy everyone and still allow the relationship to evolve. The most important thing when it comes to family is to be sensitive, respectful, and understanding. Insensitivity could doom a relationship.

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