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Learning about Homeopathy

By Maryse IsmaSpecial to CSMS Magazine“Like cures like,” If an entire healing system’s principles could be shrunk into a three-word proverb, this is what the homeopath’s creed would be. The theory is that if a substance produces symptoms of disease in a healthy person, it will cure a sick person suffering from those same symptoms. Homeopathic medicines are derived from some 1,500 plants, animal or other natural substances (e.g., minerals) with the intent of triggering the body to fight disease.            In the late 1700s a German doctor, Samuel Hahnermann, formulated the principles of homeopathy as a counter to prevailing medical practices at the time. Today after numerous ups and downs in popularity, homeopathy enjoys a broad following in Europe and other parts of the globe, but not quite so broad following in North America. In fact, the American Medical Association (AMA) was formed in 1846 in part to thwart the growth of homeopathy.            Some people refer to any natural remedy as homeopathic, but this is a misnomer. Classical homeopathy treats a patient with one substance at a time (many commercial remedies combine more than one substance) in an extremely diluted and extremely safe solution. Remedies commonly come in the form of small pills you dissolve under your tongue or as a tincture.            Crushing the curative substances, mixing them both with alcohol or water, and then repeatedly diluting and vigorously shaking them make homeopathy remedies. Homeopaths differ in determine appropriate formula for dilution but agree on the counterintuitive principle that the more it’s diluted, the more potent it becomes.            Manufactures list the dilution formula on the packaging, where “C” means 100 and “X” means 10. Mixing one drop of arnica to 100 drops of water, for example, made an arnica remedy labeled 6C. Then one drops of that solution was mixed with 100 drops of water and so on, for a total of six times. In most circumstances, the final solution no longer contains molecules of the original substance, but homeopaths say it does contain the “imprint” or energy of the substance. People who have a hard time believing homeopath theories insist its remarkable actions are the result of the placebo effect.            In general, because the remedies are so diluted, it is difficult to imagine an overdose, although there are a few things to watch out for. In some substance, certain homeopathic treatments should not be taken for more than a week at a time. If a remedy is working, it may first produce a “healing crisis,” where the symptoms magnify for a few hours or days before going away completely. It’s important to stick with the remedy through the “aggravations” and not use another form of treatment, which may counter the homeopathic one. Also, if you have the wrong remedy and take it for an extended period of time, it may “prove” itself, that is, manifest the symptoms that it would otherwise cure in you.Also see: Why herbal medicine cannot be ignored

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