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New York
Sunday, September 8, 2024

A strategic milestone for CSMS Magazine

CSMS Magazine Staff Writers

Last week, CSMS Magazine reached a new high—two million hits in twelve months. This was a stunning accomplishment conceived under a not-so-normal situation. Despite great difficulties and sometimes unforeseen setbacks, our readership stood firm behind our editorial line, and seemed to have made its choice long ago to remain utterly committed to the very end, whenever that happens, although it is our wish that the end will never materialize. In fact, CSMS Magazine is here to stay, as long as our readers are ready to stay the course.

            Who would believe it? Back in 2005, when we first went online, seven thousand hits a month was considered great strides. Now, this figure is just our daily average. We are not part of the so-called mainstream media, and the power behind what we do is based on a pure and in-depth motivation and dedication to make a difference in the hearts and minds of our readers in the midst of a terrain filled with all sort of information and, perhaps, misinformation.

Two million hits in twelve months was truly a strategic milestone in our quest to become a viable alternative to those seeking unbiased and in-depth analyses fore-grounded in social justice. We owe the crossing of this strategic threshold to, first and foremost, our readership, our diehard contributors and our sincere staff writers who never deviated from our mission, which is to inform and to educate.

We understand we’re not always right, and we never carry such pretense. In this business, perfection has always been a relative term. But we do not dwell on relativist perfectionisms. Honesty is our creed, as we thrive to remain as close as we can get to delivering pieces of information holistically trustworthy and intellectually objective. Whether it is education, politic, book review or culture, our work is always vetted and filtered before being presented to our audience.

While CSMS Magazine is still considered to be nothing but a teeny/tiny drop in middle of an ocean of mass media, its main goal is to create a niche for promising writers with high intellectual probity to display their works—works that would otherwise be rejected by the corporate media for lack of name recognition. (See Novel injustices: Whither the contemporary novel? )

Our mission is to be the voice for the voiceless and the disenfranchised, to denounce injustices wherever it may be, to guide parents on sound educational choices on behalf of their children and to further the debate over whether multiculturalism and cross-cultural awareness are truly intertwined. These principles have been the backbone of our success, and they will continue to be our guiding light throughout our existential reality.

Things have not always been shiny. The past summer was extremely difficult, as our writers took on other missions designed to embellish their literary career. But, we believe we are back on track and wholeheartedly committed to upholding our vow: to forever remain our readers’ humble servants. As our society, as a whole, is going through a hectic period with uncertain future, we don’t know for sure what tomorrow will bring. Whatever comes our way, however, we believe we have strength, the wisdom and the wherewithal to weather any storm.

But today is a day to celebrate—a day of pride, of love and of remembrance. A gigantic BISOU to all of our readers scattered around the world. This could not have happened without your continued support.

Thank You!!!!!!   

See also Waiting for Santa in the barrios and in Sité Soleil 

Coping with holiday stress

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