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New York
Friday, July 26, 2024

A conversation with author Cori Nevruz

Christine Jean-Pierre

CSMS Magazine

A couple of weeks ago, Ardain had a nice conversation with author Cori Nevruz. It was the second time she was interviewed by Ardain. This time, the focus was her new novel titled Left Without Answers. It is an intriguing, suspenseful novel. The basis of the story is about the protagonist Alice who is committed to researching why her son Hank took his life.

Alice is left with no warning signs or even a letter as she searches for answers regarding Hank’s death. She turns to Hank’s best and only friend, Arnold, for answers. Arnold, like Alice’s husband, has moved on from the tragedy and pleads her to do the same. Arnold is confident that revealing Hank’s big secret will help Alice grieve. As the author explains, as Alice begins to find suspected sticky notes that could only be from her dead son, her desire for revenge intensifies along with her desperate search for the truth.

Cori Nevruz is a revered, critically acclaimed author. To learn more about her work, you can visit her website.

You can also follow her on Twitter.

You can watch the video below.

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