Special to CSMS Magazine
Basketball has always been my dream since I was a little boy. I go and play basketball every day. I think that I am good, but at the same time there is a lot to learn about it. My big brother used to teach me some moves and techniques when I was younger. He still does, by the way. He also told me about a great basketball player named Michael Jordan. My brother has several books on Michael Jordan, and he always encourages me to read them. After I read one of his books, I considered him as the greatest basketball players on the planet.
           Next year I want to try out at school for the basketball team. When I play with my friends, I always steal the ball from them. I would like to be part of my school’s basketball team. I also would like to play in high school and in college, and maybe, if things go well, I might play in the NBA. The NBA is the national basketball association. I watch the NBA every Sunday. Even now, sometimes I go to my friend’s house and watch it during the week.
           My dad introduced me to basketball when I was five years old by playing basketball with me every time he came home from work. It is a dream for me to become a basketball player and playing basketball is a way for me to take out anger and emotion. My neighbor teaches me some basketball moves, but not as much as my brother who is known in the family as the future NBA star. I don’t have as basketball hoop. However, there is one in the neighborhood that I use to practice playing basketball everyday. If there’s a month that I don’t play basketball, then that means I’m grounded for doing something bad or I had a bad grade in my report card.
           Hopefully this year, I will continue to be in my best behavior and that I will continue to maintain my good grades so that I could have more time to play basketball after school and in weekends. My dad encourages me to go to the gym everyday, but I usually get lazy and don’t go for weeks. Whenever I get sick with the flu, I usually don’t like to play basketball because the flu makes me weak and I hardly like to do anything. One day I went to my cousin house to play basketball with him and there was these two kids who kept on challenging us to play basketball then and we did and we won by twelve points. After that challenge, I realized I had the potential to make my dream of becoming a NBA star come true by practicing everyday and by focusing on my school work.
Note: Ardy Isma is 6th grader at Pacetti Bay Middle School in Saint Augustine, Florida. He wrote this essay exclusively for CSMS Magazine.
Also see My father’s car: A student essay
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