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Monday, March 17, 2025

Misty Jean and the ancillary responses to numerous readers

CSMS Magazine Staff Writers

From now on, every Saturday, CSMS Magazine will answer to some of the e-mails sent by our readers. This week, we received as usual a hooray of responses from readers praising Christine Jean-Pierre for her article on Misty Jean. Many readers think Misty Jean is an artist de classe as Stephanie Boulogne who wrote from her home in Quebec City. “Je reste convaincue que Christine a raison. Mon mari est haitien, et Misty Jean fait parti de sa grande collection de musique Caraïbéenne. (Christine is right. My husband is Haitian, and Misty Jean occupies a large section of his Caribbean musical collection.”   

            But there was one question that left the editorial board puzzled. Many kept referring to a word Misty uses in the song of his second track Rev Mwen. The word in question is ‘kokabanku.’ We have checked the Creole dictionary and we have contacted several Creolophones and Creolophiles, none of them has confirmed the existence of the word itself. We think it is a compound word surgically invented by the artist herself as a metaphor to give a dazzling taste to the popularly mixture of Coca-Cola and the famous Haitian rum Barbancourt—something partygoers like to do while wining in the glasses. Misty Jean may still need to clarify it for her fans. The ‘kokabanku’ is used more than three times in the song, noticeably towards the beginning and the end of the track. We write the word here as it is pronounced, but we are not so sure of its proper spelling, since we have no copy of the song.   

            Also, there was the reference to the last track Lonely Lover, which is a remix from the original version released by the legendary group Skandal some ten years ago. The song itself is a classic, but critics say that Misty Jean’s new version has somewhat belittled the value of the song for she did not sing it entirely and preferred to let a saxophonist play the leading role. Misty Jean’s voice, which is so shiny—readers claimed—could have been far thrilling than the semi-instrumental version used here as a bonus to music lovers.

            By the way, Christine has contacted Misty’s marketing director Jeff Wainright, who has forwarded to CSMS Magazine Misty’s itinerary for the next few weeks. We’re certain that will please many of the readers.

October 18th: Concert de Solidarité Pour Haiti (Pointe A Pitre, Guadeloupe)

October 31st: Halloween Night, Broward County, Florida

November 8th & 9th: Musique En Folie, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

November 15th: Association Des Ingenieurs haitiens, Miami, Florida

November 22nd: Club Garage, Petion Ville, Haiti

November 27th: Thanksgiving Night, Boston, Massachussets

And of course info, one can check Misty’s own website: www.mistyjeanonline.com

Also see Misty Jean’s Li pa two ta has catapulted the artist to the pinnacle of her career 

Harmonik’s Jere’m: album review 

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