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Friday, March 21, 2025

Haiti may derail Hillary Clinton’s latest presidential bid

hillaryaCSMS Magazine Staff Writers

Hillary Clinton would probably wish she had not ordered René Preval 4 years ago to stuff Sweet Micky into the presidential race in Haiti. Hillary would probably wish that she had not paved the way for her greedy husband, Bill Clinton, to subjugate Haiti and its people in his role as proconsul, governing over a myriad of crazy politicos—modern day coons. But she did, and now she seems to be paying a heavy price for it. The famous train “If I Only Knew” always leads to the city of “Too Late.”

While Hillary’s train is going in full speed with some major obstacles along the way as the commander is trying to circumvent them, Haiti is one of the bumps Mrs. Clinton cannot avoid. She must face it head-on, including that of some other countries that have fallen victims to the Hillary-Chelsea-Clinton Foundation—a foundation that is said to have raised more than 2 billion dollars since 2003. By the fall of 2001, the Clintons’ fortune was estimated to be less than a million dollar. In 18 months, that wealth rose to 150 million dollars, thanks to a series of sleazy and shadowy deals stemmed from highly lucrative speaking engagements.

The Clintons’ cash and the Haitian connection

Former Haitian Prime Minister Jean Max Bellerive and his cronies were among those who helped fill Clinton’s lot in Haiti. According to Peter Schweizer’s upcoming book The Clinton Cash, as heads of the Reconstruction Commission in the aftermath of the earthquake in 2010, Clinton and Bellerive went on a profit spree— a dazzling windfall—by charging unknown and unspoken fees to recalcitrant bourgeois who wanted a piece of the pie. In order words, to earn a seat in the Commission, one had to make a pledge to the Clinton Foundation.

Jean-Max-BelleriveaThe “sweetest” deal ever for the Clintons in Haiti, according to Peter Schweizer, was the deal struck with Irish billionaire and guru of Digicel, the mobile phone giant, Denis O’Brien. Peter went on to say that “Mr. Clinton [ordered] Michel Martelly to rubberstamp the deal which allowed Digicel to control almost the entire Haitian market.

The deal spearheaded by Clinton allowed money to be wired to Haiti via cellphones, a market entire at the feet of O’Brien. Schweizer continued, “Shortly after the Clintons began reconstruction in Haiti, and began handing out contracts, sometime during that period of 2010 or 2011 he [Digicel’s owner Denis O’Brien] made a multi-million dollar contribution to the Clinton Foundation.” In a classic quid pro quo, besides the sweets and benefits galore, there were more:

“O’Brien also arranged for three lucrative speeches [for] Bill Clinton…..Two of the speeches that Bill Clinton gives, actually, are sandwiched around Digicel being given a grant, by the taxpayers for $100,000 as part of the HMMI Award. At the same time, you have taxpayer money, $2 million being committed to the Digicel Foundation in Jamaica.”

The next blow to Haiti was the Caracol Industrial Park in Haiti’s Northeast Province. It is said that $ 100 million dollars of American taxpayers were pumped into the project with a vague promise to employ 65, 000 Haitians within the next 10 years. Now, we know the soi-disant project was just a hoax, a poisonous ploy that only employs 5,000 Haitians and pays them next to nothing. “The three biggest beneficiaries [from the cheap labor the park provides] are actually three retailing companies closely tied to the Clintons. Gap, Target, and Wal-Mart.” The latter company is well-known for its raw exploitation of deprived sweatshop workers around the world. Meanwhile hundreds of farmers were ordered at gunpoint to vacate their homes in order to make way for the Park, as they watched with blazing eyes their crops, their livelihood being bulldozed.

obrienaWhile a small group of traitors continue to shamelessly enrich themselves off the deplorable conditions of Haiti, an entire generation of Haitians are being resorted to live day by day. To put food on the table, each day, a miracle has to happen. Human dignity and all senses of humility no longer exist, as the quest for survival takes priority, becoming more and more the toughest task of all.

Some folks have already grown pessimistically optimistic that a solution to the Haitian dilemma could be found. But we’re not part of this group. We believe Haiti was never destined to perish. The Land of Dessalines is like an old bamboo tree that no windstorm will ever be strong enough to uproot.  Our country will someday land on its feet—whether that will be in 10, 20, 50 or 100 years. Contrary to what they may have thought, Haitians are indeed a smart, resilient and dignified people, and our intelligence will not be subordinated by the narrow-mindedness and the belittling attitudes clotted in prejudices of those from Washington, Paris or Ottawa who rule Port-au-Prince through their proxies.

Let’s make July 28th 2015, which will mark 100 years of foreign domination in Haiti, an important date to begin the work for a new social contract to get rid of the sons of Conzé and for Haiti to be free at last.

As for Hillary Clinton, she is betting on America’s ignorance with regards to Haiti’s affairs and her campaign war chest which is projected to reach a billion dollars to overcome this obstacle.

Note: Conzé was the Haitian who betrayed Charlemagne Masséna Péralte, leader of the resistance movement against U.S. military occupation in 1915.

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Also, see: Hillary Clinton is back on the campaign trail

René Preval bows as Hillary Clinton orders

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  1. @JeffKalyllJunior I hear you loud and clear. We are outnumbered and powerless, and we lost most of our braves out of corruption and greed. Yes! We need to rise up against all of these pretenders and all of these cruel politicians around the world who are using “US” as a tool to enrich their bank accounts and build financial wealth for THEIR generations to come.
    We need to overcome our weaknesses and go back to what did make us stronger long time ago…Unity! Where ever and who ever you are, stop being too comfortable because you have no respect anywhere you go, you are nothing in the eyes of most of these kind of riches. WE where suppose to be a symbol of what unity and freedom are. We have failed big time. It’s not too late though. Stop brown nosing and wake up!

  2. CamilleGauthier I agree with you on all counts, Mr. Gauthier. That is why I believe we need to rise up to defend Haiti against the neocolons and their cronies.

  3. IgnaceMorel Hillary Clinton will eventually get away with it because in bourgeois democracies, money and wealth and privilege dictate all outcome of electoral politics. Shame on them. You are right Ignace.

  4. In the western democracies the more corrupt you are the more chances you have of being elected. Hillary has plenty  of cash to launch an agressive media campaign with the help of the finest professionals. She will surely find a way to make it to the White House. Let s wait and see.

  5. “I believe in God
    Telling the truth is my vow”
    The three capital evils of Haiti
    In three words
    Misery, poverty, under-development
    Whether we are
    French or Haitian
    Or American
    Or Cuban
    Or Dominican
    Whether we are
    Or Camilito
    Or Barackito
    Or Fidelito
    or Trujllo
    Impartial critics
    Persuade us that the country of Haiti
    Did not cause its misery
    Did not create its poverty
    Did not invent its under-development
    But the truth
    Are the sources of its evils
    What to do about it?
    Here is the solution:

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