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Friday, February 7, 2025

Every writer needs his own medium

writer 8 bCSMS Magazine

Ardain Isma

Many fellow writers overlook the importance of having a website or, at the very least, a blog. Why is it so important? Because social media platforms can only be a supplement to the power of your authorship. According to Book Editors, there are 2 reasons an author needs his own blog:

First, all writing is writing, for this is what establishes you as a writer. Both novels and nonfictional works can never be conceived unless you have mastered the skills. Ghostwriting can’t substitute what will ultimately usher you to the pedestal of great literary works. If you discipline yourself and commit to writing a few lines from your main medium in a consistent basis, you’ll definitively be successful. You don’t have to be prolific. Just be consistent.

Second, your blog is the best way to connect with your audience. Followers from social media platforms are too often noncommitting. Many, not all, of them are circumstantial, co-travelers bound to a common journey. They’re not likely to stay with you once they’ve reached their destination. However, people who think your writing is worthy enough to visit your website in a regular basis, are the ones who will most likely to stay with you—until you start slacking off. Positive feedback from your readers build confidence. “When others enjoy your writing, it can be a powerful motivation to write even more.” That is the biggest benefit of blogging.

Note: Ardain Isma is a novelist and editing manager at CSMS Magazine . He heads the Center for Strategic and Multicultural Studies. He also teaches Introduction to Research Studies at Embry Riddle University. To see his books, click here.

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