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Egypt: A Culture Study

By Chantale JimenezSpecial to CSMS MagazineThe state of Florida encompasses many different cultures. Cultures in Florida include Mexican, Puerto Rican, Middle Eastern, Asian, and African.  These are just some of the different cultures that are in Florida schools.  Interpersonal and nonverbal communication styles are used on a daily basis to help accommodate the different cultures.  I have chosen to concentrate on the Egyptian Culture.The Egyptian culture bases its belief on strong family values, strong faith, and a strong belief in community.  Egyptians believe in working together with family and friends to better their life.  They help to promote a since of community where ever they may be living.  For example, if you are a Christian Egyptian, then your community becomes the church and the people who attend it.  The same thing goes if you are a Muslim Egyptian.  The communities become a part of who you are or your co-culture.Egyptian families living in the United States are always going to be a part of a co-culture. The families all work together as a unit to accomplish a specific task.  If there is an important decision to make, usually all family members are involved.  The co-cultures within a specific family help unite the family relationships even stronger.The relationship that develops between an Egyptian parent and their child is phenomenal. The parents are very caring, nurturing, and loving to the child.  The child in return is very respectful to the parents.  If that respect is broken, then their family unit is broken.  The child is not only taught to respect his or her parents, but also to respect all individuals as well. Egyptians in general tend to have more respect for males.  The male gender is usually the dominant culture in Egypt.  Females are regarded very highly, but not as respected as the males. This is in part due to the ideals of older generations of Egyptians.  The males usually want to be the decision makers, the moneymakers, and the rule makers.  They only look to the female for advice, but they do not have to follow it. Females are to be beautiful, caring, and loving individuals.  Brought up with idea that learning how to cook, clean, and take care of their siblings will help them in the future.  Females are also encouraged to go to school and work with their degree.  Usually though, what happens is when they get married, they end up staying home and raise their kids. Egyptian females who are living in the United States do not necessarily have to follow these types of rules and regulations.  They are fortunate enough to go to school and to excel in many different fields.  This is in part due to the outside cultural influences they receive.  Teachers who have Egyptian, Middle Eastern, or Arab students should try to encourage these females to succeed.  The teachers have the power to influence these females. Egyptian students, whether male or female, have great respect for educators.  They are attending school for the sole purpose of learning.  These students come to the United States in search of a better life; they know that the only way to achieve is by educating themselves. Education is the main priority for Egyptian parents.  The parents make the sacrifice of leaving the Country they knew for the sake of their children.  There are better opportunities in the United States for everyone who comes from Egypt. Life in Egypt is a struggle for most of the people who live there.  The pay is minimal and the living expenses are extremely high.  For example, an office worker makes about $7,000 pounds a year in Egypt.  That is equivalent to about $2,000 in U.S. dollars.  The prices for food and supplies are about the same as the United States.  The living conditions are also very brutal in some areas of Egypt.  Some families live in conditions worse than the very poorest areas in the United States.Other major problems in Egypt include the Religious issues.  The Muslims and the Christians are usually at war.  The Muslims want something, and the Christians oppose it and vice versa.  Muslims are a higher rank than Christians are.  The leaders of the major companies, the government, and hospitals are mostly Muslims.  Egyptians can recognize who is a Muslim or a Christian just by a person’s name.  A person’s religious preference is even noted on their identification card. The Muslim community has many restrictions they must abide by.  They cannot eat pork, for example.  They must pray at certain times of the day.  Some Muslim women must also cover their head in public.  They also observe certain fasting traditions as well.  I believe that it is a lot harder for Muslim person to assimilate to the American way of living.  They have to consider their faith and their teaching before anything else.The religious differences that Egyptians face can be overwhelming.  Many religious, ethnic, racial, and cultural differences arise everywhere in the world.  The idea is really to embrace our differences and not be so stubborn.  These types of differences can be erased if everyone uses more communication that is nonverbal or less verbal. Nonverbal communication is necessary for humans to interact.  Individuals use nonverbal communication as a tool to express attitudes and emotions.  People make judgments and decisions regarding the internal states of others using nonverbal cues.  Nonverbal communication also helps create impressions and manage interaction between people.Nonverbal behavior is essential in teaching strategies.  When a teacher has a new student who does not speak or understand English, nonverbal cues are necessary.  The student must feel a certain type of connection with the teacher.  The teacher has to show the student that he or she is a caring person who is willing to help.  New students have to go through a lot the first year at a new school. Egyptian nonverbal communication does not vary from American.  Cues such as direct eye contact, smiling, and shaking hands are the same.  The only difference is when a man is greeting another man they usually shake hands and kiss on both cheeks.  The women do the same to other women.  This type of a greeting cannot be used if a woman is greeting a man, they should only shake hands.In conclusion, I feel that the Egyptian culture is very humble and caring.  This culture is synonym to hardworking and a determination to succeed.  The Egyptian people, who immigrate to the United States, have certain goals to achieve.  Their success is based upon family values and community care.  I believe that in order to succeed one has to have his family to back him up.Chantale Jimenez heads a multicultural firm near Jacksonville, Florida. She is a contributor to CSMS Magazine

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