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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ardain Isma greets cultural exchange children at UNF

French studentsCSMS Magazine staff writers

A group of elementary students from Paris were are the UNF Fine and Arts Center on Tuesday evening. They were there for an evening of fun and for an opportunity to get further exposed to American arts. The children are in the River City (Jacksonville) as part of a cultural exchange program sponsored by a nonprofit organization called Don’t Miss a Beat with an awesome goal of helping inner city children through arts and other forms of motivational activities. 

Dr. Ardain Isma, Dr. Joanne Davis and Dr. Cara Tasher, Vice President of the Nantes Committee, were at hands to meet the children who, like their American counterparts, are from disadvantaged neighborhoods in the French capital. Lots of personalities were also present, including the entire leadership of Don’t Miss a Beat.  

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