In less than 1 hour before the polls close in New York, news reports confirm about 126, 000 names have been written off the voters’ list. All of them are democrats. All of them are from Brooklyn, the birthplace of Bernie Sanders. Brooklyn was the place where Bernie commanded an estimated 50, 000 supporters on Sunday, a political show of force never seen before in primary politics in that state.
It is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party leaders in New York, in particular the state’s Board of Elections. Purging people to facilitate a win for Hillary will further polarize the party and strengthen the hands of Bernie Sanders who intends to take this fight all the way to the convention floor in June in Philadelphia. They will do everything to ensure a victory for Madame Secretary, even if more than one hundred thousand Democrats have to be disenfranchised.  Clinton surrogates already take the airwaves, clumsily trying to water down what seems to be the latest scandal from an election season mired in colossal schemes.
Bernie may lose, but his campaign moves on, for he understands by now he is leading a movement far greater than himself. Even if Hillary wins the nomination, as all indications have already pointed to such a possible scenario, the movement lives on. Tomorrow, New York BOE is going to have to answer for the missing names.