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Monday, January 13, 2025

Milca and the ancillary findings for the week

CSMS Magazine Staff writers

Haitian diva, Milca, is back in the game with a robust single now hitting the airwaves in the Caribbean. Released last November, the single is titled La vi a kon sa (Life is just the way it is). What seemed like a leaked-out track on You-Tube was in fact a magnificent way to reclaim her throne lost since the release of Ghetto Chic. In this new single, the artist looks utterly refreshed and appears to have lost weight. A Creole négresse with a tangerine-like tan and a filtered voice impossible to ignore, Milca, this time, seems to have rediscovered her roots. La vi kon sa is a Konpa love with an Rhythm and Blues flavor, reminiscent to the new genre put forward by the new generation of Konpa artists—whether they are Haitians, Martiniquais, Guadeloupians, or Cape Verdeans.

            Critique de la Francophonie seems to have been put back into scrutiny after our review last week. We have received a number of requests from readers wanting to know where the book can be purchased. As we have indicated, Critique can easily be found on www.amazon.com  orwww.amazon.fr . However, if you live in North America and Euro is out of your reach, it is best to purchase it on www.amazon.com, you can pay in dollars.

            Garcelle Beauvais is clearly the personage of the week here at CSMS Magazine. Since we published the article about her possible comeback on Hollywood stage, a new wage of interests has been triggered. Many readers did not know if she were Haitian, as if she is too pretty to be Haitian, leaving the suggestion that Haitians are normally of darker complexion, usually marginalized and not fit for a Hollywood audience. This is the stigma, but nothing can be further from the truth. Garcelle is a typical Haitian girl with a fair tan. Of course she is a pretty woman, but she falls right within the norm of traditional Haitian women. She is not out of the ordinary like some readers would like to suggest. “I was shock to know she was Haitian. She speaks intelligently with a flawless American English,” said one reader from Boston, Massachusetts. What is so shocking? Her beauty or her intelligence? One can’t mix both. Beauty and intellect do not always go hand in hand. It just so happens that Garcelle was crafted with both. Garcelle is no mulâtresse, and certainly no Arab. She is just a pretty Haitian woman.

            Bernard Madoff and his investment scheme was also the topic in the mind of many readers, although we have yet to comment on the largest scheme in history. Many readers want to know our opinion. They specifically want to hear from Andrew Robbins, our market analyst. Madoff, the wall Street guru, who accumulated 50 billion dollars from investors worldwide on fake promises, was finally busted and placed under house arrest, pending his trial, which we know for sure he will be put away for life. Well, maybe not! The money managers on Wall Street did not get arrested; they were rewarded with 700 billion dollars from their old friend and colleague, treasury secretary Henry Paulson. Be not worry, we will surely comment on madman Madoff.

            Papa Noel or Santa Claus is back once again, but as always not for the disenfranchised children. Santa sneaks through the chimney, not under thatched doors of rustic huts, where million of children around the world live. From the shantytowns of Haiti to the farvellas of Rio to the crime-infested inner-city neighborhoods in North America, every year, there is always one big disappointment: Santa never comes. But it is time to put to rest the heart-breaking, false promise of a possible meet with the elusive Santa. When we manage to break through entrenched poverty to emerge to the glamour of life, Santa will come. Until then, the struggle to eradicate injustice must continue.

            Finally, CSMS Magazine is recommending several books to give a friend this holiday season: For English, we recommend: When You Come Home written by Nora Eisenberg and published by Curstone Press. Also published by Curstone Press: Bagdad Mon Amour, which is a collection of texts and poems written by Salah Al Hamdani, an Iraqi who lived in exile in Paris. In French: Critique de la Francofonie written by Tontongi and Un Jour Tes Pantoufles written by Jeanie Bogart. Both books can be purchased on www.amazon.com .   

Joyeux Noël à tous!  

Also see Janie Bogart and the ancillary findings for this week

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