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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The advantage for being a nurse in the Haitian community

By Delrose AlexandreSpecial to CSMS MagazineThere is a very famous proverb that states, ”There is more in giving than receiving.”I migrated from Haiti to United States on March 4, 1996. My parents made every sacrifice to make sure that I received a good education. Growing up, I always hear my parents say, “I’m not fortunate as you to come to this country at such a young age. You should take advantage of that.” With that thought in mind, I am determined to take advantage of the opportunity that was given to me. I guess my ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds crafted me to become the person I am today.Going to college was never an option instead it was a must. While I was growing up, I knew I wanted to do something that involves making a difference in the lives of others. For a long time, dealing with so many career options, I wasn’t certain about what I really wanted to do. In addition, by realizing who I am and by encountering certain life experiences has led me to choose a career in nursing.A career in nursing will allow me the opportunity to help others in many ways. As a nurse I will have the chance to provide care and comfort to those in need. As a nurse not only will I provide care in the clinical setting, but also in the community. As a Haitian American I will have the chance to assist my fellow compatriots in many ways.Moreover, in the Haitian community there is knowledge deficit regarding the awareness about many infectious and other life-threatening diseases. As a future nurse I would like to have the opportunity to educate others about many diseases that are very common in the community. For instance, numerous individuals in the community are diagnosed with hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus. They are receiving prescriptions from their primary care physician to help manage the disease, but in reality it is also important to educate them on how to manage and to prevent those diseases.Also, countless individuals in the community are not aware or well informed about different screening test that may be used to detect different types of cancers. I feel that it is necessary to inform our community about the different types of screenings and their importance. In addition, there is also a knowledge deficit in the community about the health care system of this country. Many Haitians in the community are not very familiar with the health care system of this country and, as a result, many are reluctant about seeking health care. I would like to set up a program that would provide them with information in Creole or French on the different aspects of health care.To conclude, although nursing can be a stressful and challenging career, however, I believe a career in nursing is rewarding. A career in nursing will allow me to serve my community in a positive way. The skills that I will learn and the knowledge that I’ll gain will allow me to assist people in ways others never can. To me that’s priceless.Note: Delrose Alexandre is a student at Nova Southeastern University, majoring in Nursing. She wrote this piece specially for CSMS Magazine.

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