News Analysis
Although the Haitian constitution does not allow a president to spend two consecutive terms in office, it is un secret de polichinelle (an open secret) that post Duvalier era Haitian presidents have always tried as much as they could to torpedo this very provision in the constitution which literally forbids them from seeking to prolong their hold on the office of the presidency. Jean Bertrand Aristide, who dominated the Haitian political landscape for nearly 2 decades, was successful at undermining the rule of the game in order to preside from behind the scene when he was not legally president.
René Préval, Aristide’s protégé, attempted to imitate his boss. He miserably failed. Michel Martelly now believes he can succeed where his predecessor could not. Lately, he has been on the campaign trail, using his out-of-the-norm demeanor in hoping to influence the outcome. He is using his obscure political party infamously known as PHTK (Parti Haitien Tet Kale) or the Haitian Party of Skinned Heads to ensure that when all is said and done, he could still be in the position to rule from below. And he believes he can. Last week, however, he learned an important lesson in the Northwest. What was supposed to be a show of political grandstanding, confirming the bald headed Martelly aka Sweet Micky as the definite chouchou (darling) turned out to be the president’s biggest mishap—yet.
In Saint Louis du Nord on July 15th, he was openly rebuked, his motorcade pelted with rocks. Eyewitnesses at the public square where many gathered to listen to the sleazy politician said in lieu of support, demonstrators showed up with hundreds of anti-PHTK posters calling Martelly “Alibaba”—a name that suited him well, according to many eyewitnesses. When some in the crowd asked for how many thieves were with Alibaba, others simply shrugged off their shoulders and said, “Who knows!”
Sweet Micky showed up with a group of candidates from his PHTK, and he was trying to coax the population into voting for his men. Who are they, these candidates? CSMS Magazine does not know them all, but one of them is Saturne Charles aka Saturne Leius named after his late father Leius—a former tonton macoute or boogeyman, a Papa Doc representative in northern Saint Louis. Saturne himself was a long time point-man for Volvic Remy, a diehard Duvalierist and former Health Minister who was totally overlooked in 1990 when he ran for president.
Booed and jeered, Saturne and Micky found their backs against the wall, swinging. Here is what was reported by AHP (Agence Haitienne de Presse):
Pris de court, Michel Martelly a lancé des insultes contre ceux qu’il a accusé de n’avoir rien réalisé avant lui. Mais, il s’en est pris, sans les nommer, à des membres de son propre gouvernement, ministres, secrétaires d’Etat et autres directeurs généraux.
Trapped on the spot, Michel Martelly began to throw insults at his predecessors to whom he claimed had done nothing [to alleviate the suffering of the population.] But he also took aim at members of his own government [which includes] ministers, deputy secretaries, regional directors.
Facing such an unexpected barrage of opposition, Martelly publically fired Joseph Jean-Ronald, the interim mayor of Saint Louis and told others like Amos Joseph, delegate or government representative, to vacate their posts immediately.
Still, the people of Saint Louis didn’t take the bait. It was with a relentless fury they replied to this disingenuous contrition. Sweet Micky didn’t read Ardain Isma’s Midnight at Noon. He should have. Not because we believe Midnight could tilt Martelly’s heart to a new direction, but because we have no doubt this gut wrenching novel could give him what he would need to understand the depth of patriotism that dwells beneath the hearts of folks from Saint Louis du Nord.
The people understood who the true thieves are in Haiti. The petty thieves in town—delegates or mayor—could ill-afford the wherewithal to ameliorate living conditions in Saint Louis or in the Northwest for that matter.
Martelly is not above the fray as he pretends, clumsily trying to portray himself as such. He is no political saint sent from heaven to wipe out all evildoers, for he himself is a polluted sinner who has been using the state bureaucracy as his bully pulpit to fill his lots and that of those at the top-end of his corrupt government.
As sweats welled down their oily faces, Micky and Saturne sneaked through the crowd under heavy presidential protection. Elsewhere in the Northwest, the Haitian president suffered the same rebuke, as it was reported in the press.
The crazies want to show the world they indeed can play their role as proxies and they have read verbatim the script handed out to them by the International Community. In Haiti, those who will decide the next ruler of the country will certainly not be the voters—unless their presence is massive and their choice is unequivocal. Otherwise, he who will be proclaimed president will be he who has demonstrated how slavish he can be in respecting the order set forth by Washington, Paris and Ottawa.
Also see: Michel Martelly: Buffoonish and dangerous
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Shame on Sweet Micky!