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Monday, March 17, 2025

Could High Protein be a Danger to your Health?

By James BertrandSpecial to CSMS MagazineIn the past ten years, low-carbohydrate and high protein diets have dominated the diet industry, despite the harsh criticism by the medical community. The top dietary handbooks have Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution and The South Beach Diet. The popularity of these diet books has brought controversy surrounding the safety of these diets.    The Atkins Diet is the most extreme of the low-carbohydrates diets, for it requires virtually the elimination of carbohydrate in your daily eating schedule. Other competitive diets control the message and focus on limiting the bad carbohydrates. The main claims of the Atkins diet is that rather than counting calories one should simply eat fewer carbohydrates and push your body into ketosis.    Diets that consists of fats and proteins elevates LDL, the bad cholesterol, and increase total cholesterol. Also, blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides will increase on a high protein diet. According to a recent study, sixty-five men and women who followed a high-protein diet discovered their kidney size increased and the kidneys became temporarily impaired after six months. The more protein you consume, the difficult your kidneys have to operate. A high protein diet may also enhance the risk of kidney stones because of less calcium in the urine. High-protein diets wash calcium out of the body, increase osteoporosis, and have long-term damaging effects on bone mineral density.     If you decide to use a high-protein diet for long time, here are some safe and crucial pointers you should follow.

  • Have your doctor check kidney and liver functioning before attempting any diet.
  • Choose foods that are high in fiber or fiber supplements.
  • Eat chicken and fish only.
  • Include some carbohydrates to prevent ketosis from occurring
  • Drink at least 10 to 12 eight-ounces of water a day.
  • Take multiple vitamins and mineral supplements daily.

Note: James Bertrand is trainer who lives in Los Angeles, California.Also see Five guidelines to keep a healthy lifestyle Which Vitamins and Minerals work best for you?Valuing Buildings Over Employee Health America’s LossThe EPA’s Unconscionable SilenceAmerica’s Illusion of Health and Safety

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