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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Avocados: nature’s health conscience fruit

By Angelina Delpèche

Special to CSMS Magazine                      Avocados are the creamy rich fruits that are grown the best usually in the summer between Florida and southern California. During the fall and winter season, different types of avocados are grown such as Fuerto and Zutano avocados. The origin of the word avocado is from the Aztec word “auhacati”. The avocado is known as the alligator pear because of its shape and the leather like skin covering the fruit.             Avocados are fruits that contain oleic acid. According to a scientific study, people who had moderate high cholesterol level who change their diet to a standard avocado diet notice clear health improvements such as lower cholesterol levels, and they have lost a considerate amount of pounds. Also according to the study, the participants had significant decreases in LDL cholesterol and eleven percent increase in health levels.            In addition, Avocados are a good source of potassium. According to a University medical journal, moderate intake of Avocados can help to fight against circulatory diseases such heart disease and stroke. Diets containing Avocados and other potassium filled fruits can also prevent other cancer causing diseases.            Avocados also contain about twenty-three percent of folate, which is a nutrient that is essential in the fight against heart disease. According to researchers, to determine the difference in folate intake and heart disease the researchers followed about 80,000 women for more than ten years using dietary questionnaires. The research discovered that women who had higher intake of dietary folate had about sixty percent chance of not having heart attacks and fatal heart disease. Another university study proved that people who consume avocados could also reduce the chances of having cardiovascular disease and stroke because of the folate intake.            Avocados contain substance called chitinases that are closely related to the latex fruit-allergy syndrome. There is strong evidence of the close reaction between latex and avocados so, that means if you are suffering from a latex-allergy syndrome then chances are you are allergic to avocados.Note: Angelina Delpehe lives and works in Orlando Florida. She is a nutritionist who teaches parents how to feed their children with healthy food. Also see Blueberry Meringue TartsEating right is all that matters, not how muchHave you tried grilled turkey burgers with avocado mayonnaise?Chipotle Grilled Chicken with Avocado Salsa

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