This summer offers a lot for inspiring authors. Writers’ Digest boot camp begins on June 18th. This year’s title is: Your Submission Tools: How to Write Excellent Queries, Opening Pages, and Synopses. According to the WD website, literary agents will be all in force, showing participants “how to put together the best query letter, opening pages, and synopsis to hook the attention of agents and editors.”
Like everything in the publishing world, the aim is finding the best tools to land a publishing contract. To this end, five literary agents from Corvisiero Literary will be there as coaches to tell the prospective writers what agents look for when reviewing a manuscript.
How it works
On June 18, 2014, anyone interested will gain access to a special 60-minute online tutorial presented by literary agents from the Corvisiero Literary Agency. “This tutorial will provide nuts and bolts advice on how to help you prepare your query, your synopsis and get your first two pages ready for review.”
After listening to the presentation, attendees will spend the next two days revising materials as necessary. Following the tutorial, writers will have two days in which to log onto the blackboard and ask their assigned agent questions related to revising their materials. The agents will be available on the blackboard from 1-3 p.m. (ET) on both Thursday, June 19 and Friday, June 20. No later than Saturday, June 21, attendees will submit their completed pitch and pages for feedback directly to the boot camp literary agents.
This is a golden opportunity for writers who want to offer a glimpse on the power Caribbean literature. The agents will spend up to 10 days reviewing all assigned pitches and provide feedback to help attendees. No later than July 1st, agents will send their feedback to attendees. Note: To get access to blackboard, one has to register. More on the webinar, go to: writer’s webinar