One of the best indicators of your health is your blood pressure. High blood pressure can kill, and unless you pay attention to it, you may not even know your blood pressure is dangerously high. The Harvard Heart Letter offers 10 steps for getting your blood pressure under control and keeping it there.1. Check it. You can’t do much about your blood pressure unless you know what it is. Your doctor should check it at every visit. Measuring at home between visits is even better.2. Get moving. Exercise can lower blood pressure by 10 points, prevent the onset of high blood pressure or let you reduce your dosage of blood pressure medications.3. Eat right. A diet for better blood pressure emphasizes fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, poultry, fish and nuts.4. Control your weight. If you are overweight, losing weight can lower your blood pressure.5. Don’t smoke. Smoking a cigarette can cause a 20-point spike in systolic blood pressure.6. Drink alcohol in moderation. Going beyond a drink a day can contribute to higher blood pressure.7. Shake up your salts. Too much sodium and too little potassium can boost blood pressure. Aim for less than 1.5 grams of sodium a day and at least 4.7 grams of potassium from fruits and vegetables.8. Sleep is good. Chronic lack of sleep can contribute to high blood pressure. Get at least six hours a night.9. Reduce stress. Mental and emotional stress can raise blood pressure. Meditation and deep breathing can lower it.10. Stick with your medications. Taking medication can keep you from having a stroke or heart attack.(Source: Harvard Heart Letter)–From the Editors at Netscape
10 Tricks to Lower Your Blood Pressure
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The unseen threat in all of this is that as people struggle to downsize weight levels the resultant effect of all of this then emerges as levels of fitness tightens up with less available exercise being taken and more disease becoming prevalent…If Central Governments don’t take a grip soon then we could be facing an over weight problem.
The hidden threat in all of this is that as peoplefight to downsize weight levels the resultant effect of all of this then emerges as fitness levels tightens up with no available exercise being taken and more disease becoming prevalent…If Central Governments don’t take a grip soon then we could be facing an over weight problem.